Shoshin (The Beginner’s Mind)

The Zen Buddhism concept of SHŌSHIN (Japanese: 初心) or The Beginner’s Mind refers to the cultivation of a mind that is open to learning with a childlike appreciation or curiosity. It emphasizes having an attitude of curiosity, openness, eagerness, and a lack of preconceptions when learning, even at an advanced level, just as a beginner would. This philosophy acts to counter to the hubris and closed-mindedness often associated with thinking of oneself as an expert. A mind that is open to learning in this way is free to explore its limitless possibilities without the constraints of arrogance and as such, is more open to accepting of new ideas with flexibility and humility. 

In my own personal practice each of my Meditations begins first, with taking a brief moment to set my awareness to this perspective of a “Beginner’s Mind”. It enables me to experience each meditation with a beautiful and fresh approach. So it’s not surprising that I attribute this small but deliberate act to my continued & dedicated meditation practice.

“If your mind is empty, it is always ready for anything; it is open to everything. In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, in the expert’s mind there are few”

- Shunryu Suzuki


This must be the place.